主页 > 头条 > 河北石家庄市深泽县第二轮核酸检测初筛阳性19例(组图)


佚名 头条 2022年03月22日


11月3日上午,河北省石家庄市召开疫情防控新闻发布会。会上通报,11月2日0时至24时,石家庄市新增确诊病例14例,其中深泽县新增1例。 11例,锦州市新增3例,截至11月2日24时,石家庄市累计新冠肺炎确诊病例26例。除上述14例确诊病例外,在深泽县第二轮核酸检测中,初筛阳性19例,其中隔离点8例,封闭控制区11例,主要深泽县大桥头镇河庄村河西河村正在接受复查。





确诊病例1:常州市天宁区常住照明管理工程有限公司工作人员,10月26日至31日与重庆市九龙坡区确诊病例李某有密切接触。 11月2日,到常州市第一人民医院发热门诊就诊。核酸检测初步呈阳性,他被专车运往市区。三人民医院经专家会诊,综合流行病学史、临床表现、实验室复查检测结果和影像学检查结果,于11月3日诊断为确诊病例(轻度)。

确诊病例2:他家住武进区,是武进区万邦数字能源有限公司的工作人员。 10月28日至31日,与重庆市巴南区确诊病例黄某有密切接触。 11月2日,因近距离检查发热,由专车转入市第三人民医院。核酸检测初步筛查呈阳性。经会诊专家,综合流行病学史、临床表现、实验室复查检测结果及影像学检查。等待结果,11月3日,确诊为确诊病例(轻度)。

确诊病例3:家住天宁区,武进区万邦数字能源有限公司员工。 10月28日至31日,与重庆市巴南区确诊病例黄某有密切接触。 11月2日,因近距离检查时发热,由专车从集中隔离点送往市第三人民医院。核酸检测初步筛查呈阳性。经会诊专家,对流行病学史、临床表现、实验室检测结果等进行综合复查。和影像学检查结果,11月3日确诊为确诊病例(轻度)。






为快速阻断疫情传播链条,有效防止疫情蔓延,11月3日,常州市文化广电和旅游局发布《常州市关于加强防控工作的通知》 《文化广电旅游领域新冠肺炎疫情防控工作》(以下简称《通知》),要求严格控制各类聚集活动,暂时关闭各级文博会场馆,暂停营业旅游景区开放、旅游企业暂停经营活动、严格执行旅游星级酒店监测报告制度、暂停娱乐场所、互联网互联网服务经营场所经营活动。

《通知》要求,强化防控责任,细化防控工作方案和工作程序,加强协调联动,加强信息沟通,做好疫情防控工作。依法依规开展,准确落实分类管控措施。 ,运用多种方式督促防控工作,重点落实组织领导、应急值班、联防联控工作机制等措施。同时,各地要严格执行应急值班制度,实行领导带班制,关键岗位24小时值班。


北京昨增10例本土确诊 9例涉培训班_扬州增6例确诊轨迹涉药店_河南增2例本土确诊 9例本土无症状


据央视消息,常州发布通知,暂停所有线下教学。 11月3日至5日,全市各级各类学校停课。 11月6日至7日,学校将不允许学生返校。 11月3日起,全市所有校外培训机构将暂停所有线下培训活动。复课时间另行通知。停课期间,学校实行封闭管理。

1、 暂停所有离线教学。 11月3日至5日,全市各级各类学校停课,组织线上教学活动;职业学校和技术学校将暂停所有常规实习。 11月6日至7日,学校将不允许学生返校。 11月3日起,全市所有校外培训机构将暂停所有线下培训活动。复课时间另行通知。





6、严格执行防护措施。教师、学生和员工坚持戴口罩、勤洗手、勤打扫、咳嗽打喷嚏、保持房间通风等良好生活习惯。不组织或参加非必要的聚集活动,自觉避免外出,不参观、不聚会、不聚集,保持一米以上的社交距离。每天进行自我健康监测。出现发热、干咳、乏力、咽痛、嗅觉(味觉)减退、腹泻等症状时,立即到就近设有发热门诊(会诊室)的医疗机构就医,并如实告知14 - 日活动轨迹和接触史,就医过程中应采取戴口罩等个人防护措施,不允许乘坐公共交通工具。


江苏常州公路交通集团有限公司11月3日发布通知,按照常州市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控应急指挥部有关精神要求,全力做好防控工作为坚决遏制疫情蔓延,保障人民群众身体健康安全,长运公司将从0:00起对客运线路和客运站的运营进行临时调整11 月 3 日:








河南增2例本土确诊 9例本土无症状_扬州增6例确诊轨迹涉药店_北京昨增10例本土确诊 9例涉培训班



11月2日0时至24时,31个省(区、市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增确诊病例109例。其中,境外输入病例16例(上海5例、广东4例、云南2例、辽宁1例、浙江1例、山东1例、广西1例、四川1例),其中无症状感染者转诊3例。确诊病例(辽宁1例、浙江1例、四川1例);本地病例93例(黑龙江35例,均在黑河;河北14例,均在石家庄;甘肃14例,其中天水13例,兰州13例)。北京1人;北京9家,全在昌平区;内蒙古6个,全部在阿拉善盟;重庆市4个,其中九龙坡区2个,巴南区1个,长寿区1个; 4青海,全在西宁;江西2个,都在上饶;云南德宏傣族景颇族自治州2​​个; 2个在宁夏,都在银川;四川、成都1例),其中1例无症状感染者转为确诊病例(北京)。没有新的死亡报告。新增疑似病例1例,为境外输入病例(上海)。

31个省(区、市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增无症状感染者19例,其中境外输入8例,本地11例(江西7例,均在上饶市;重庆2例,中其中渝北区1例,长寿区1例;黑龙江1例,哈尔滨;四川1例,成都);同日转为确诊病例4例(境外输入3例);同日解除医学观察23例(境外)。 21例输入病例);尚在医学观察的无症状感染者384例(境外输入335例)。









病例206:王某,现居兰州市城关区。 11月2日,应测人员核酸检测呈阳性。经省专家组会诊,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例,病情较轻。




病例210:周某,现住天水市麦积区,是193号确诊病例的密切接触者。10月30日,集中隔离点核酸检测呈阳性。经省市专家组会诊北京昨增10例本土确诊 9例涉培训班,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例,轻度。

北京昨增10例本土确诊 9例涉培训班_扬州增6例确诊轨迹涉药店_河南增2例本土确诊 9例本土无症状






病例216:石某某,现居天水市麦积区。 10月31日,集中隔离点核酸检测呈阳性。经省市专家组会诊,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例,普通型。

病例217:裴某某,现居住在天水市麦积区。 11月1日,集中隔离点核酸检测呈阳性。经省市专家组会诊,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例,病情较轻。

病例218:郭某某,现居天水市麦积区。 11月2日,集中隔离点核酸检测呈阳性。经省市专家组会诊,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例,病情较轻。

病例219:王某,现居天水市麦积区。 11月2日,集中隔离点核酸检测呈阳性。经省市专家组会诊,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例,病情较轻。






确诊病例2:李某某,女,31岁,现居住在锦州市小桥镇西草村。他们是杨某、宋某某的密切接触者,11月1日辛集确诊病例,1号确诊病例侯某某的同事。 2021年11月2日上午,隔离点核酸检测初步筛查阳性,石家庄市疾病预防控制中心复查。同日,他被负压救护车转移到石家庄市定点医院。经专家组会诊,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例(普通型)。

确诊病例3:周某,女,39岁,现居住在锦州市小桥镇北王村。他们是杨某、宋某某的密切接触者,11月1日辛集确诊病例,1号确诊病例侯某某的同事。 2021年11月2日上午,隔离点核酸检测初步筛查阳性,石家庄市疾病预防控制中心复查。同日,他被负压救护车转移到石家庄市定点医院。经专家组会诊,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例(普通型)。


扬州增6例确诊轨迹涉药店_河南增2例本土确诊 9例本土无症状_北京昨增10例本土确诊 9例涉培训班

确诊病例4:李某,女,54岁,现住深泽县大桥头镇东晓峰村。她是10月31日雨花区首例确诊病例郭的母亲。2021年11月1日22:00,在隔离点核酸检测初步筛查呈阳性,并接受复查。石家庄疾控中心。 11月2日由负压救护车转至石家庄市定点医院,经专家组会诊,确诊为新冠肺炎(普通型)确诊病例。

确诊病例5:张某,男,53岁,现住深泽县大桥头镇西河村。是11月1日确诊病例1王某某的丈夫。2021年11月1日23:00,隔离点核酸检测初步筛查阳性,石家庄市疾控中心复查. 11月2日由负压救护车转至石家庄市定点医院,经专家组会诊怎么找PC蛋蛋微信群平台!,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例(轻度)。

确诊病例6:张某某,女,9岁,现住深泽县大桥头镇何庄村。她是11月2日确诊的第三例张某的女儿。2021年11月2日0时,隔离点核酸检测初步筛查阳性,石家庄市疾控中心复查. 11月2日由负压救护车转至石家庄市定点医院,经专家组会诊,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例(轻度)。

确诊病例7:王某某,女,56岁,现住深泽县大桥头镇何庄村。是张某某的祖母,11月1日确诊两​​例。2021年11月2日凌晨2点,隔离点核酸检测初步筛查阳性,石家庄市疾控中心复查。 2021年11月2日由负压救护车转至石家庄定点医院,经专家组会诊,确诊为新冠肺炎(普通型)确诊病例。

确诊病例8:杨某某,女,77岁,现住深泽县大桥头镇更庄村。她是10月31日确诊病例吴某某的密切接触者,11月2日凌晨4时在隔离点核酸检测初步筛查阳性,石家庄市疾控中心复查。 11月2日由负压救护车转至石家庄市定点医院,经专家组会诊,确诊为新冠肺炎(普通型)确诊病例。

确诊病例9:张某某,男,7岁,现住深泽县大桥头镇何庄村。是11月2日确诊的3张某的儿子加拿大28卡红,11月2日凌晨4时在隔离点核酸检测初步筛查阳性北京昨增10例本土确诊 9例涉培训班,石家庄市疾控中心复查。 11月2日由负压救护车转至石家庄市定点医院,经专家组会诊,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例(轻度)。

确诊病例10:彭某某,男,76岁,现居住在深泽县深泽镇彭兆庄社区。是11月1日确诊的4号病例陈某某的丈夫,11月2日凌晨4时在隔离点核酸检测初步筛查阳性,石家庄市疾控中心复查。 11月2日由负压救护车转至石家庄市定点医院,经专家组会诊,确诊为新冠肺炎(普通型)确诊病例。

确诊病例11:郭某,女,46岁,现住深泽县大桥头镇何庄村。是10月31日确诊3号病例孙某某的密切接触者。11月2日7时,在隔离点核酸检测初步筛查阳性,石家庄市疾控中心复查。 11月2日由负压救护车转至石家庄定点医院,经专家组会诊,诊断为新冠肺炎确诊病例(轻度)。



Five members of one family were confirmed. Details of confirmed cases and asymptomatic cases are as follows:

Confirmed case 1: Currently living in the second district of Tiantongyuan North, Tiantongyuan North Street, Changping District, as a second-closest connection for centralized isolation, the nucleic acid test results from October 23 to 28 were all negative, and the nucleic acid test was carried out again on October 31. 11 The result was positive on November 1, and it has been transferred to a designated hospital for isolation and treatment. Based on the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and imaging examinations, a confirmed case was diagnosed on November 2, and the clinical type was ordinary.

Confirmed case 2: Currently living in the second district of Tiantongyuan North, Tiantongyuan North Street, Changping District, and is the wife of confirmed case 1. On November 1st, as a close contact of confirmed case 1, a nucleic acid test was carried out, and the result was positive. She was transferred to a designated hospital for isolation and treatment. The results of comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations were confirmed on November 2nd. For confirmed cases, the clinical classification is mild.

Confirmed case 3: Currently living in the second district of Tiantongyuan North, Tiantongyuan North Street, Changping District, and is the mother of confirmed case 1. On November 1st, as a close contact of confirmed case 1, a nucleic acid test was carried out, and the result was positive. She was transferred to a designated hospital for isolation and treatment. The results of comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations were confirmed on November 2nd. For confirmed cases, the clinical classification is mild.

Confirmed case 4: Currently living in Tiantongyuan North Second District, Tiantongyuan North Street, Changping District, she is the daughter of confirmed case 1、2 and the granddaughter of confirmed case 3. On November 1st, as a close contact of confirmed case 1, a nucleic acid test was carried out, and the result was positive. She was transferred to a designated hospital for isolation and treatment. The results of comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations were confirmed on November 2nd. For confirmed cases, the clinical classification is mild.

Confirmed case 5: Currently living in Tiantongyuan North Second District, Tiantongyuan North Street, Changping District, he is the son of confirmed case 1、2 and the grandson of confirmed case 3. On November 1st, as a close contact of confirmed case 1, a nucleic acid test was carried out, and the result was positive. She was transferred to a designated hospital for isolation and treatment. The results of comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations were confirmed on November 2nd. For confirmed cases, the clinical classification is mild.

Confirmed Case 6: Currently living in the fourth district of Mingjia Garden, Beiqijia Town, Changping District, and is a close contact of the confirmed case. Centralized isolation was conducted on October 25. The nucleic acid test results from October 25 to 30 were all negative, and the nucleic acid test results were positive on November 1. They have been transferred to designated hospitals for isolation and treatment. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests According to the results of imaging examination and other tests, a confirmed case was diagnosed on November 2, and the clinical type was common type.

河南增2例本土确诊 9例本土无症状_扬州增6例确诊轨迹涉药店_北京昨增10例本土确诊 9例涉培训班

Confirmed Case 7: Currently living in Xiaoxinzhuang Village, Dongxiaokou Town, Changping District, which is the second closest connection to the confirmed cases. Centralized isolation was conducted on October 25. The nucleic acid test results from October 25 to 30 were all negative, and the nucleic acid test results were positive on November 1. They have been transferred to designated hospitals for isolation and treatment. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests According to the results of imaging examination and other tests, a confirmed case was diagnosed on November 2, and the clinical type was common type.

Confirmed Case 8: Currently living in Wayao Village, Liucun Town, Changping District, which is the second closest connection to the confirmed case. Centralized isolation was conducted on October 25. The nucleic acid test results from October 25 to 30 were all negative, and the nucleic acid test results were positive on November 1. They have been transferred to designated hospitals for isolation and treatment. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests According to the results of imaging examination and other tests, a confirmed case was diagnosed on November 2, and the clinical type was common type.

Confirmed Case 9: Currently living in Hongfuyuan Community, Beiqijia Town, Changping District, and is an asymptomatic infection reported on October 28. Symptoms such as fever appeared on November 2. Based on the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and imaging examinations, the patient was diagnosed as a confirmed case on the same day, and the clinical type was ordinary.

Chongqing added 4 local confirmed cases

From 0 to 24:00 on November 2, Chongqing reported 4 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia (1 case each in Jiulongpo District, Changshou District, Banan District, and Liangjiang New District). 2 new cases of local asymptomatic infection (1 case in Yubei District and 1 case in Changshou District).

Two of them are close contacts of confirmed cases in Sichuan. The details of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections are as follows:

Confirmed case 1: Li Mou, male, 32 years old, reported from Jiulongpo District, currently living in Huangting Jewelry City Community, Caiyun Street, Jiulongpo District. On November 1, he went to a medical institution due to fever. On November 2, the nucleic acid test result of the new coronavirus was positive. After consultation with experts at the city and district levels, combined with clinical and imaging findings and laboratory test results, the diagnosis of new coronary pneumonia was confirmed. case (common type).

Confirmed case 2: Zheng Mou, male, 32 years old, reported from Changshou District, currently living in the Central Park Community of Changshou District, close contact of confirmed case 1 Li. On November 2, the nucleic acid test result of the new coronavirus was positive. After consultation with experts at the city and district levels, combined with clinical, imaging findings and laboratory test results, a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild) was diagnosed.

Confirmed case 3: Huang Mou, male, 38 years old, reported from Banan District, currently living in Luneng Phase I, Yudong Street, Banan District, close contact between the confirmed case and confirmed case 1 Li Mou in Sichuan Province on November 2 By. On November 2, the nucleic acid test result of the new coronavirus was positive. After consultation with experts at the city and district levels, combined with clinical, imaging findings and laboratory test results, a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (common type) was diagnosed.

Confirmed case 4: Li Mou, male, 28 years old, reported from Liangjiang New District, currently living in Mawang Village, Jiulongpo District, a close contact of the confirmed case and confirmed case 1 Li Mou in Sichuan Province on November 2. On November 2, the nucleic acid test result of the new coronavirus was positive. After consultation with experts at the city and district levels, combined with clinical, imaging findings and laboratory test results, a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild) was diagnosed.

Asymptomatic infected person 1: Xia Mou, female, 30 years old, reported from Yubei District, currently living at No. 152 Wuling Road, Longxi Street, Yubei District. A close contact of a confirmed case in Sichuan Province on November 2. On November 2, the nucleic acid test result of the new coronavirus was positive. After consultation with experts at the city and district levels, combined with clinical, imaging manifestations and laboratory test results, it was determined to be an asymptomatic infection.

Asymptomatic infected person 2: Cheng Mou, female, 31 years old, reported from Changshou District, now living in the Central Park Community of Changshou District, the wife of Zheng Mou, confirmed case 2, as a close contact, the nucleic acid of the new coronavirus on November 2 The test result is positive, and after consultation with experts at the city and district levels, combined with clinical, imaging manifestations and laboratory test results, it is determined to be an asymptomatic infection.

Sichuan added 1 new local confirmed case and 1 asymptomatic infection

From 0-24:00 on November 2, 2 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia were added in Sichuan (1 confirmed locally and 1 imported from abroad). Local confirmed cases: Returning to Chengdu from Chongqing on the afternoon of October 28, and confirmed on November 2.

As of 24:00 on November 2, there is a medium-risk area in the province, which is the Dingfeng Shui'an Huijing Community (Phase I and Phase II), Yingmenkou Street, Jinniu District, Chengdu, and the rest of the province is low-risk Area.

A confirmed case in Ningxia deliberately concealed the facts to affect the investigation and was filed for investigation

According to CCTV news, the reporter learned from the Jinfeng District Bureau of Yinchuan City Public Security Bureau in Ningxia on the 3rd that the confirmed case Niu Moumou deliberately concealed the facts, which seriously affected the flow and investigation, and was suspected of illegality.

According to the police report, Niu Moumou, male, 42 years old, was a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia on October 29. In the work of tracing the source of flow regulation, he deliberately concealed his personal behavior and the situation of close contacts, which seriously affected the work of tracing the source of flow regulation. After in-depth investigation and repeated work by the public security organs, the facts have been clarified, and the relevant information has been sent to the epidemic prevention and control department. His behavior not only adversely affects the epidemic prevention and control work, but is also suspected of breaking the law.

标签: 影像学   疫情   肺炎症状